Here is Ethan walking on with his player...Mikaela is there to the left too...
Have to laugh at this shot...Ethan was not concentrating too well at the end and managed to get left on the field. This is the photo of him after he realised the other mascots had left without him LOL.
Heading into a busy couple of weeks so this may be my last post for a bit. Our catering company is catering for the Schoolies chaplains and volunteers at the Gold Coast for the next 2 weeks solid. We have about 500 people a night to feed before they head out to volunteer each night. Huge job but so rewarding and important. The red frog crew do amazing work. I'd appreciate your prayers for a safe and smooth week. So often little things get in the way to make things difficult, so prayers for my family and their well-being will be welcome too!
All the best wishes i can send are on their way. I hope the week went smoothly for you Kerryn. You do some amazing stuff for people, good on you! Miss you at OHG though:( Hope to see you pop in soon.